Liquid Gold

Liquid Gold

This summer has been incredibly productive and the hives at Hunnybee Farms provided a treasure of liquid gold. We are truly in awe of the variations of honey created from the different pollens in our Tennessee mountain home. It is from our very own hives that we collect and utilize the benefits of raw honey in the toxin-free skincare created in the HunnyBee Beauty Barn. The care of the hives at HunnyBee Farms is truly a labor of love based on a fascination with these little creatures. I could spend hours telling of the many little factoids about bees that I think are just remarkable; things like their ability to recognize up to three human faces. That know me and I love that. 

We are minimally invasive to our hives, leaving them to do what they do best. We also maintain a strict "no chemicals" policy. We don't spray them nor dust them with man-made chemicals. Our bees enjoy a chemical-free existence, as far as we have control. 

Additionally, we don't feed our bees. They feed themselves with the bear's share of the honey they produce throughout the bloom. The very first package I ordered to jumpstart my adventure in beekeeping required a short season of feeding them the sugar syrup recipe recommended by my beek mentors, but since then, I have been careful to never over-harvest so that they have more than they need to nourish the demands of their ever-growing brood, workers, drones, and of course, the Queen herself. 

Our honey is 100% raw. The clover, blackberry and sourwood honey produced by our cast of pollinator superheroes is harvested, uncapped, spun, filtered twice, then packaged. Period. We are incredibly happy with the quality and taste of our aromatic honeys, and the superior health benefits of sourwood honey is hard to beat.

The benefits of raw honey in caring for the skin are well-documented which is why I decided that including raw honey into the formulations of our toxin-free skincare was a no-brainer. The marriage of organic bee-keeping and toxin-free skincare formulation is a match made in heaven and one in which I am thrilled to be engaged.

Our sourwood honey is available for purchase in limited quantities, and we know you will be impressed by its unique flavor profile and light amber appearance. We appreciate the opportunity to share our passion for quality, effective skincare that is free of toxins as well as the honey that gave rise to this impactful partnership.

Until next time,


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