Born of Necessity
Not unlike any other grandmother to have ever lived, my grandgirls are my inspiration to be and do all I can to make their lives more fulfilled, happy and, of course, healthy. As they've gotten a little older and graduated from the "little girl" phase of their development, they discovered the wide world of skincare. In many, if not most, of the most popular brands to which they are marketed and thus attracted, I noticed a disturbing commonality. The ingredients are nothing short of toxic sludge. And my precious babes were all too anxious to slather those toxins all over their skin.
I first began my toxin-free journey more than twenty years ago when I read a book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About" by Kevin Trudeau. I have, over the years, eliminated as many heavy metals, endocrine disrupters and general toxins from my immediate environment, diet, and daily practices so far as possible. Imagine my dismay at knowing that many of the active ingredients in the brands most attrative to my pre-teen granddaughters are damaging not only their young skin, but their delicate endocrine and even neurological systems.
I set about to investigate, then began the process of educating myself (thanks to available online courses in skincare development and formulation) on how to create a skincare line that is both effective for my combination/oily-skinned darling who tends to be a little more acne prone, that is also safe for the most sensitive of skin-types.
After much triel and error, the HunnyBee Beauty Barn was born, and I began asking friends and family to "give the products a try" as something of a trial run with folks who would be honest in their critiques as the products were in development.
The products available to date have each been formulated with a specific loved one in mind, to address a specific concern or challenge. Every product has its own origin story, born of necessity because more than anything in this world, I am head over heels in love with the faces of my darlings and granddarlings.
We are excited to share our product catalog with everyone who is looking for an effective shincare routine that is free from the damaging toxins so prevalent throughout the "health & beauty" industry that is also affordable. We love every product, and we are confident you will, too.
Until next time,